6 Proven ways to approach new curriculum programming for education

6 Proven ways to approach new curriculum programming for education

6 Proven ways to approach new curriculum programming for education

When a new curriculum comes in, teachers can feel overwhelmed trying to work out how to approach new curriculum programming for education. If a new curriculum is to be implemented at the beginning of the school year, then the previous year is then spent programming the syllabus into a teaching program. But where do you start? What method do you use to program?

Depending on your school context, programming may be something that is done individually, or as part of a team.

In this blog post, we will explore different ways to approach new curriculum programming for education and explore the pros and cons of each.

new curriculum programming for education

approaches to new curriculum programming in education

New curriculum programming – key definitions

Programming languages in the educational sector can be confusing. Here is an overview of some key terms and definitions in relation to new curriculum programming:


Curriculum: The overall plan or framework designed to guide what students are expected to learn within an educational institution or program. It includes the content, learning objectives, some instructional methods (such as experiments), and assessments requirements.

Syllabus: a syllabus refers to a document or set of documents that outline the content, learning outcomes, assessment methods, and other relevant information for a particular subject or course of study. Syllabuses are developed by educational authorities such as NESA or ACARA, and they provide guidance for teachers, students, and parents on what is to be taught and learned within a specific subject area.

Program: Programming is the process of selecting and sequencing learning experiences which enable students to engage with syllabus outcomes and develop subject specific skills and knowledge. The process of programming is typically shared and offers an opportunity for collaboration, professional reflection and evaluation.

Unit: A self-contained segment of instruction within a larger program, typically focused on a specific topic or theme. A unit is designed to provide in-depth exploration and understanding of a particular subject area or concept. It often consists of multiple lessons or activities organized around a central idea, learning objectives, and assessment criteria. Units help structure the delivery of instruction and facilitate coherent learning experiences for students.

Scope & sequence: How the units are organised in a program along with where they align with assessments. These also take into account the number of weeks / holidays etc.


Learning Sequence: The ordered arrangement of instructional activities or experiences designed to facilitate learning and skill development over time. A learning sequence outlines the progression of concepts, skills, or tasks that students engage with to achieve specific learning objectives. It may include a variety of instructional methods, such as lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and assessments, arranged in a logical and sequential manner to support student learning and comprehension.


Lesson Plan: A detailed outline or guide for a single instructional session or class period. A lesson plan typically includes specific learning objectives, instructional strategies, resources, assessment methods, and timing for each component of the lesson. It serves as a roadmap for teachers to effectively deliver instruction, manage classroom activities, and assess student understanding. Lesson plans can vary in format and detail but generally provide a structured framework for teaching and learning.

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What should new curriculum programming include?

It is important to know where you are headed when starting down the road of new curriculum programming.

By the end, you should have a set of programs which:

    • are designed towards a particular grade level

    • reflect the needs, interests and abilities of students

    • are based on syllabus outcomes and include a variety of teaching, learning and embedded assessment activities, strategies and resources to address the learning needs of all students

    • include instructional materials and resources

    • are flexible and dynamic documents that change in response to student learning needs, school context, teacher evaluation and feedback

    • include adjustments for students with disability

    • reflect school and sector priorities, values and initiatives

    • are a record of how syllabus requirements are met.


Things to consider when programming for new curriculum

  • Systemic requirements of school – is there a program template you need to use?
  • Have you got the most up to date syllabus?
  • Timing – weeks in the term – how many lessons do you actually have once excursions, camps etc are taken out?
  • Context – spirituality or religious values to include?
  • Focus on what the students are doing. 
  • Activities are the last thing that should be sort when programming. 

Things not to do when programming

  • Don’t over program – it isn’t meant to be an instructional document. Yes link to resources, but don’t mistake it for a lesson sequence or write paragraphs of what the teacher should be doing. Keep it simple programs or it will be too hard for teachers to follow.
  • Don’t include resources you don’t have easy access to.
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel – do use exemplars and use networks and collaborative programming opportunities


new curriculum programming for education

6 Approaches to new curriculum programming   

There are multiple ways to go about programming. This may be up to you, but at this stage, more likely it will either be decided by your school or faculty leader as to which approach they want to take.

If you are a faculty leader, make sure you have a clear direction that you want your faculty to take. You will need to assess your faculty members’ programming skills and experience, and how you are going to support them in this task and teach them the new skills they may need.

So let’s explore some different strategies we can use for new curriculum programming…

1. Content Programming 

This strategy focuses on organizing and delivering educational content in a structured manner.

Content programming involves basically following the curriculum as a program, where content is grouped by substance

For example, in grade 7 science, all biology would be taught together, chemistry, earth science etc.

For example, in grade 9 maths, all trigonometry would be taught together, algebra together etc.

Content Programming Pros:

  • This is the most straight way forward of programming and often the syllabus has done most the work in terms of organization for you.

  • Provides a structured approach to teaching and learning.

  • Ensures coverage of essential content and topics.

  • Facilitates clear progression and understanding for students.

Content Programming Cons: 

  • May lead to a rigid curriculum that lacks flexibility.

  • Might prioritize content delivery over deeper understanding or application.

  • Can be challenging to update or adapt as educational needs evolve.

new curriculum programming for education

2. Thematic Programming

Thematic programming involves organizing educational content around central themes or topics.

For example, in grade 7 science, the theme might be ‘WaterWorld’. This theme incorporates elements of earth science and chemistry and physics.

This particular unit included the water cycle, states of matter, and separation of mixtures within the ‘WaterWorld’ context.

In maths, there could be a program with the theme of ‘roller coasters’ where a variety of topics in maths are combined in the theme e.g. angles, trigonometry, algebra, etc. This could be taken further and include scientific concepts of speed and gravity etc.

Thematic Programming Pros: 

  • Thematic programming helps students to connect related concepts and see the bigger picture within a particular domain.
  • Encourages interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving.
  • Enhances student engagement by relating content to real-world contexts and practical applications


Thematic Programming Cons: 

  • Can be left with weird left over bits and pieces that are hard to fit into a theme nicely.
  • Can be difficult for students to understand the different parts of the learning – for example, in science they may not understand physics, chemistry and biology for choices in stage 6.
  • Might overlook depth in individual topics in favor of breadth across themes.

3. Gamification and Game-Based Learning

This involves incorporating game elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, into educational activities to motivate and engage students. Game-based learning uses actual games or simulations as learning tools to teach concepts, promote problem-solving, and enhance retention.

Gamification Pros:

  • This is a great way to Increase Engagement: Gamification makes learning more enjoyable and interactive, which can lead to higher levels of engagement among students.

  • Game elements such as points, badges, and rewards can motivate students to actively participate in learning activities and strive for mastery.

  • Gamification allows for personalized learning experiences, where students can progress at their own pace and receive immediate feedback.

  • Games often require problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills, which can be beneficial for cognitive development.

  • Multiplayer or collaborative games promote social interaction and teamwork among students, fostering communication and collaboration skills.

Gamification Cons:

  • In some cases, students may become overly focused on earning rewards rather than engaging with the learning material for its intrinsic value.

  • Poorly designed gamification elements or overly complex game mechanics may distract students from the learning objectives.

  • Gamification may not be suitable for all subjects or learning goals, and its effectiveness can vary depending on student preferences and age groups.

  • Designing and implementing game design learning experiences can be time-consuming when new curriculum programming.

  • Maintaining student interest and motivation over the long term may be challenging, especially if the novelty of gamification wears off.

  • Not greatly suited to students who struggle to keep up.

new curriculum programming for education

4. PBL Programming (Project-Based Learning) 

PBL new curriculum programming involves learning through hands-on projects that simulate real-world challenges.

In new curriculum programming, PBL involves structuring courses around project-based assignments. For example, instead of just learning syntax and concepts, students might work on projects like building a website, developing a mobile app, or analyzing datasets. PBL programming encourages active learning, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. It helps students apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, preparing them for real-world situations.

PBL Pros: 

  • Engages students in active, hands-on learning experiences.

  • Develops critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and collaboration skills.

  • Provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world problems

PBL Cons: 

  • Requires significant time and effort for planning and implementation.
  • May be challenging to assess and evaluate student learning effectively.
  • Could encounter resistance from students or educators unfamiliar with the PBL approach.

new curriculum programming for education

5. Flipped Learning Classroom

In a flipped classroom model, traditional lecture-based instruction is replaced with interactive, self-paced learning activities outside of class, such as watching videos or reading materials. Class time is then used for collaborative discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities. This works particularly well for high school students studying advanced topics such as organic chemistry, where students need more input from the teacher during the application of the learning.

Flipped Learning Pros:

  • Flipped learning encourages active participation and engagement, as students take responsibility for their own learning outside of class.

  • Students have the flexibility to access learning materials at their own pace and convenience, allowing for personalized learning experiences.

  • In-class time can be used more effectively for collaborative projects, discussions, and hands-on experience, rather than passive lecture-based instruction.

  • Teachers can provide targeted support and feedback to students during face-to-face interactions, addressing their specific learning needs and challenges. This is particularly helpful when attempting problem solving activities.

  • Research suggests that flipped learning can lead to better retention of course material, as students have more opportunities to review and reinforce concepts.

Flipped Learning Cons:

  • Flipped learning relies heavily on technology and internet access, which may pose challenges for students with limited resources or connectivity.

  • Some students may struggle with self-directed learning and require additional guidance and support to navigate the flipped learning environment effectively.

  • Flipping a classroom requires significant upfront preparation, including creating or curating learning materials, designing activities, and communicating expectations to students.

  • Assessing student learning in a flipped classroom setting can be more complex, as traditional assessment methods may not fully capture the depth of student understanding.

  • Flipped learning represents a departure from traditional teaching methods, and some students or educators may be resistant to this shift in instructional approach.

new curriculum programming for education

6. Backwards by Design

Backwards by Design, or Backward Design, is an instructional design approach where educators start with the end goals in mind and then work backward to design the curriculum and assessments. It is an approach to planning that helps us meet standards while pursuing goals related to understanding.

  • Step 1: The first step is to identify the big ideas / enduring understanding

  • Step 2: The next step is to determine what does success look like? What are essential questions students should be able to answer? what are the foundational skills needed to succeed?

  • Step 3: How will you assess success? How will you assess student progress to the Learning intention?

  • Step 4: How will you plan learning to lead to success? (programming)

In new curriculum programming for education, educators using backward design would first identify the big idea / enduring understanding for the topic. They would then identify desired learning outcomes and skills that students should acquire by the end of the course. Then, they would design assessments and projects that allow students to demonstrate those skills. Finally, they would plan the instructional activities and content to support students in achieving those outcomes. This approach ensures that the curriculum is aligned with the desired learning goals and focuses on meaningful learning experiences.

new curriculum programming for education


New curriculum programming can be a daunting task. It is important to decide on an approach to use so you have a clear direction. 

Which approach to new curriculum programming will you take?

new curriculum programming for education

New Curriculum Programming References:

  • Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2014). Flipped Learning : Gateway to Student Engagement. International Society For Tech In Ed.
  • Katrina A Harte. (2016). Creating interactive, collaborative teaching programs with Google Apps. The Australian Educational Leader, 38(1), 53–58.
  • Kim, S., Song, K., Lockee, B. B., & Burton, J. K. (2018). Gamification in learning and education : enjoy learning like gaming. Springer.
  • Sharp, H., Hudson, S., Weatherby-fell, N., Charteris, J., Brown, B., Lodge, J., McKay-Brown., Sempowicz, T., Buchanan, R., Imig, S. Hudson, P., Vergano, M., & Walsh, M. (2021). Introduction to education. Oxford.
  • Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2nd ed.). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
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8 Theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching

8 Theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching

8 Theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching

Today there are many different ways to teach and different approaches to learning that are widely accepted. Throughout history there have been many theories that have helped shape these pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning.

From inquiry-based learning and project-based learning to student-led classroom or teacher-led, there are many ways to engage students in learning.

By understanding these theories and strategies, teachers can build their own pedagogical content knowledge to develop a philosophy of teaching and their own teaching style.

In this blog post, we will explore a variety of pedagogical practices and effective teaching strategies that have helped to shape current practices and impact student learning. 

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theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching

Importance of pedagogical approaches

Effective pedagogical strategies for teaching are crucial components of a successful classroom environment, impacting student learning outcomes, engagement, and overall academic achievement. Pedagogy involves the science and practice of teaching.

The pedagogical approaches a teacher uses shapes the learning of their students. This is important for:

1. Student Engagement: 

  • Active learning strategies such as group discussions, hands-on activities, and interactive lectures keep students engaged and interested in the subject matter.
  • Varied teaching methods cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring all students have opportunities to participate and learn effectively.

2. Understanding and Retention:

  • Effective pedagogy promotes deeper understanding and retention of concepts through techniques like scaffolding, where complex ideas are broken down into smaller, manageable components.
  • Utilizing visual aids, real-life examples, and analogies help students grasp abstract concepts and make connections to prior knowledge.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Encouraging inquiry-based learning and problem-solving activities fosters critical thinking skills.
  • Providing opportunities for students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information promotes higher-order thinking skills essential for success in academia and beyond.

4. Personalized Learning:

  • Differentiated instruction allows teachers to tailor their approach to meet the individual needs and abilities of each student.
  • Assessment for learning strategies, such as formative assessments and peer feedback, help teachers identify areas where students require additional support or challenge.

5. Technology Integration:

  • Leveraging educational technology tools and resources enhances teaching effectiveness and expands learning opportunities.
  • Interactive multimedia presentations, educational apps, and online resources can supplement traditional instruction and engage digital-native students.

6. Teacher-Student Relationships:

  • Building positive and supportive relationships with students creates a conducive learning environment where students feel safe to take risks, ask questions, and seek assistance.
  • Effective communication and empathy foster trust and collaboration, enhancing students’ motivation and academic performance.

Effective teaching strategies and pedagogy are essential for creating a dynamic, engaging, and inclusive classroom environment that promotes student learning, critical thinking, and personal growth.

By employing a diverse range of pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning, teachers can cater to the individual needs and strengths of their students, fostering a love for learning and preparing them for success in an ever-changing world.

pedagogical strategies for teaching

9 Theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching

There are many theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching, and I won’t be able to cover them all in this blog post, but I have chosen those which revolutionized teaching at the time of their publication and still influence teaching practice today.


1. Gagne’s 9 instructional events (Published 1965)

The nine instructional events outline a structured approach to designing and delivering instruction effectively:

1. Attract Attention: This involves captivating learners’ interest through relevant stimuli or posing thought-provoking questions.

2. State Objectives: Clearly communicate the learning goals to focus learners’ attention and motivate them.

3. Activate Prior Knowledge: Engage learners by connecting new information to what they already know.

4. Deliver Content: Present the instructional material in a logical sequence using various strategies such as lectures or multimedia.

5. Provide Guidance: Support learners by offering explanations, examples, and instructions to aid understanding.

6. Encourage Practice: Offer opportunities for learners to apply newly acquired knowledge or skills actively.

7. Offer Feedback: Provide feedback on learners’ performance to reinforce correct understanding and identify areas for improvement.

8. Evaluate Performance: Assess learners’ progress using quizzes, tests, or practical exercises to gauge achievement of learning objectives.

9. Facilitate Retention and Transfer: Employ strategies like review and application in different contexts to promote long-term retention and application of learned material.


For example:

9 Theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching</p>

Gagne’s pedagogical strategies for teaching focus on a teacher-centered classrooms, as they outline a structured sequence of actions for the instructor to follow in order to effectively deliver instruction. The events highlight the teacher’s role in planning, organizing, and facilitating learning experiences for students. Each event is designed to guide the teacher in engaging students, presenting content, providing guidance, and assessing learning.

pedagogical strategies for teaching

2. Bruner’s theory of constructivism 

(Published 1960 & 1968)

Jerome Bruner’s significant discovery was the concept of “discovery learning” and his theory of “constructivism.”

Constructivist pedagogy emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing new knowledge and understanding through exploration and discovery rather than passive reception of information. This involves learning-centered instruction with a focus on the student being the driver of their own learning.

This theory of pedagogical strategies for teaching had a great impact on education as it moved away from a teacher-centred approach. Some noticeable adjustments include:

  • Shift from Passive to Active Learning: Bruner’s ideas promoted a shift away from traditional didactic teaching methods toward more interactive and engaging learning experiences where students are actively involved in the learning process.

  • Emphasis on Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Discovery learning encourages students to explore, question, and solve problems independently, fostering the development of critical thinking skills and deep understanding.

  • Personalized Learning: Bruner’s emphasis on the individual’s active construction of knowledge highlighted the importance of tailoring instruction to students’ needs, interests, and prior knowledge, leading to more personalized and effective learning experiences.

  • Hands-On and Experiential Learning: Educators began to integrate more hands-on activities, experiments, and real-world applications into the curriculum to facilitate discovery and experiential learning.

  • Promotion of Creativity and Innovation: Discovery learning encourages students to think creatively, make connections between concepts, and generate new ideas, fostering a culture of innovation in education.

  • Student-Centered Approaches: Bruner’s theories contributed to the development of student-centered approaches to teaching and learning, where the focus is on facilitating students’ active engagement, collaborative learning, and self-directed learning. This includes a ample small group work, team-based learning, project work, discussion groups, and cooperative learning to build independent learners. pedagogical strategies for teaching

3. Ausubel’s reception learning (Published 1968)

Ausubel’s pedagogical strategies for teaching consisted of the reception learning theory, also known as meaningful reception learning. This theory emphasizes the importance of meaningful learning by actively integrating new information into existing cognitive structures.

Ausubel’s reception learning involves:

  • Advance Organizers: Ausubel introduced the concept of advance organizers, which are introductory materials or activities designed to provide a framework for understanding new information. These organizers help learners connect new concepts with their existing knowledge and mental frameworks, facilitating meaningful learning. e.g. Venn diagrams

  • Subsumption: Ausubel proposed the idea of subsumption, which involves incorporating new information into existing cognitive structures or “subsumers.” When learners encounter new information that is relevant and meaningful, they assimilate it into their existing knowledge base, thereby enhancing understanding and retention.

  • Meaningful Learning: Ausubel emphasized the importance of meaningful learning, where learners actively relate new information to their existing knowledge and experiences. Meaningful learning involves making connections, organizing information, and creating meaningful associations, rather than rote memorization or passive reception of facts.

  • Hierarchy of Learning: Ausubel suggested that learning occurs in a hierarchical fashion, with new knowledge being integrated into existing cognitive structures in a structured and organized manner. Learners build upon their prior knowledge and understanding, progressively expanding and refining their conceptual frameworks.

  • Relevant and Significance: Ausubel stressed the significance of presenting information in a way that is relevant and meaningful to learners. When new information is connected to learners’ existing knowledge and experiences, it becomes more meaningful and easier to understand and remember.

Ausubel’s reception learning theory highlights the importance of actively engaging learners in meaningful learning experiences, facilitating the integration of new information into existing cognitive structures, and promoting deep understanding and retention.

pedagogical strategies for teaching

4. Pavlov’s & Skinner’s theories of Conditioning

Pavlov & Skinner’s pedagogical strategies for teaching involved that of conditioning, which primarily revolves around the principles of classical and operant conditioning, which are both central concepts in behaviorism (which we will look at next).

Here’s an outline of how these principles are applied in education:

  • Classical Conditioning: Classical conditioning, introduced by Ivan Pavlov, involves learning through associations between an environmental (but neutral) stimulus to evoke a conditioned response.

    In education, classical conditioning can be applied to create associations between neutral stimuli and learning outcomes. For example, a teacher might pair a specific tone or visual cue with positive reinforcement (such as praise or rewards) to elicit a desired response from students.

    A classroom example might be that a teacher uses a bell to signal the end of a lesson. Over time, students associate the bell with the end of the lesson and begin to anticipate it, which helps in managing transitions smoothly.

  • Operant Conditioning:  Operant conditioning, developed by B.F. Skinner, focuses on learning through consequences. Behavior is strengthened or weakened based on the consequences that follow it. Reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior recurring, while punishment decreases it

    In education, operant conditioning is used to shape and maintain desired behaviors in students. Teachers provide reinforcement (positive or negative) to encourage desired behaviors and use punishment to discourage undesirable behaviors. For example, a teacher praises students for raising their hands before speaking in class, reinforcing the desired behavior of waiting for their turn to speak.

The pedagogical strategies for teaching involving conditioning, emphasise the role of environmental stimuli, reinforcement, and consequences in shaping and modifying student behaviors within the classroom setting.

pedagogical strategies for teaching

5. Watson’s theory of Behaviorism (1910s-1920s)

Behaviorism was primarily developed by psychologists such as John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B.F. Skinner. Watson is often credited as the founder of behaviorism, while Pavlov’s experiments with classical conditioning and Skinner’s work on operant conditioning further shaped the theory.

These psychologists proposed that behavior could be understood and predicted through observable stimuli and responses, without necessarily considering internal mental processes. These proposals led to pedagogical strategies for teaching that involved manipulating and encouraging certain behaviors in students.

This concept of behaviorism had significant implications for education. Here’s an outline of behaviorism’s key principles as applied to education:

  • Focus on Observable Behavior: Behaviorism emphasizes observable behaviors rather than internal mental processes. In education, this means focusing on measurable outcomes such as students’ responses, actions, and achievements.

  • Stimulus-Response Associations: Behaviorists believe that learning is the result of associations formed between stimuli and responses. In education, teachers use various stimuli, such as prompts, cues, and instructional materials, to elicit desired responses from students.

  • Reinforcement: Behaviorism highlights the role of reinforcement in shaping and maintaining behaviors. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, increases the likelihood of desired behaviors, while negative reinforcement involves removing unpleasant stimuli to strengthen behaviors.

  • Operant Conditioning: Behaviorism introduces the concept of operant conditioning, where behaviors are influenced by their consequences. Teachers use reinforcement techniques, such as rewards or punishments, to shape students’ behaviors and encourage desired outcomes.

  • Drill and Practice: Behaviorist approaches often involve repetitive drill and practice to reinforce learning. This repetitive practice helps students strengthen associations between stimuli and responses, leading to improved performance.

  • Behavior Modification: Behaviorism advocates for behavior modification techniques to address undesirable behaviors. These techniques include identifying specific behaviors to be modified, implementing reinforcement strategies, and monitoring progress over time.

  • Teacher-Centered Instruction: Behaviorist approaches to education tend to be teacher-centered, with the teacher controlling the learning environment and directing students’ behavior through instructions, prompts, and reinforcements.

Behaviorism in education emphasizes the importance of observable behaviors, stimulus-response associations, reinforcement, and operant conditioning techniques in shaping learning outcomes.

While behaviorist principles have influenced educational practices, they are often critiqued for overlooking the role of cognition, motivation, and social factors in learning. 

pedagogical strategies for teaching

6. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983)

The educational theory of multiple intelligences, proposed by Howard Gardner, suggests that intelligence is not a single, fixed entity but rather a set of multiple distinct abilities or intelligences. 

The theory of multiple intelligences proposes that individuals possess different types of intelligences, each representing a unique way of processing information and solving problems.

Gardner initially identified seven intelligences:

1. Linguistic intelligence: sensitivity to language, words, and communication.

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence: ability to reason logically, analyze problems, and think abstractly.

3. Spatial intelligence: capacity to perceive and manipulate visual-spatial information.

4. Musical intelligence: sensitivity to rhythm, melody, pitch, and timbre.

5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully.

6. Interpersonal intelligence: understanding and interacting effectively with others.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence: self-awareness, self-understanding, and introspection.


Gardner later proposed additional intelligences, such as naturalistic intelligence (sensitivity to nature and the environment) and existential intelligence (contemplation of the ‘big questions’ of life).


According to the theory of multiple intelligences, individuals exhibit varying strengths and weaknesses across the different intelligences. Some individuals may excel in linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, while others may demonstrate strengths in bodily-kinesthetic or musical intelligence.

The theory of multiple intelligences has several implications for pedagogical strategies for teaching:

  • Instruction should be differentiated to accommodate students’ diverse intelligences and learning styles.
  • Teachers can use a variety of instructional methods and activities to engage students across different intelligences.
  • Assessment should be broad and varied, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding and skills through different modalities.

Educators should foster a supportive learning environment that values and respects students’ unique strengths and intelligences.

The theory of multiple intelligences has faced criticism regarding its empirical support, definitions of intelligences, and practical implications for education. Some argue that the concept of multiple intelligences lacks sufficient scientific evidence and may oversimplify the complexity of human cognition.

pedagogical strategies for teaching 


 7. Sweller’s cognitive load theory

(first suggested 1980s)

Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), proposed by John Sweller, focuses on the cognitive processes involved in learning and how the cognitive load imposed on learners affects learning outcomes.

Sweller proposed three types of cognitive load:

    • Intrinsic Load: The inherent difficulty or complexity of the learning materials or tasks. Intrinsic load is determined by the complexity of the content and the learner’s prior knowledge.

    • Extraneous Load: Additional cognitive load imposed by the instructional design, such as irrelevant information or poorly designed instructional materials.

    • Germane Load: Cognitive load related to the processing and integration of new information into existing mental schemas, which facilitates learning and long-term retention.

According to CLT, effective learning occurs when cognitive load is managed appropriately. High cognitive load can overwhelm learners’ working memory capacity, leading to cognitive overload and impairing learning.

CLT suggests that learning tasks should be designed to minimize extraneous cognitive load and optimize germane cognitive load, allowing learners to focus their cognitive resources on understanding and integrating new information.


Implications for pedagogical strategies for teaching:

  • Reducing Extraneous Load: Instructional materials should be carefully designed to minimize extraneous cognitive load. This may involve:

    • Simplifying instructions and explanations.

    • Using clear and concise language.

    • Presenting information in a structured and organized manner.

    • Minimizing distractions and irrelevant information.

  • Managing Intrinsic Load: Teachers should scaffold learning by breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable chunks. This may involve:

    • Providing worked examples or step-by-step demonstrations.

    • Gradually increasing the complexity of tasks as learners gain proficiency.

  • Optimizing Germane Load: Learning tasks should promote active engagement and deep processing of information to optimize germane cognitive load. This may involve:

    • Encouraging elaboration and reflection on new concepts.

    • Providing opportunities for practice, feedback, and reinforcement.

    • Fostering metacognitive awareness and self-regulated learning strategies.

Cognitive Load Theory provides valuable insights into the cognitive processes involved in learning and offers practical guidelines for instructional design and educational practice aimed at optimizing learning outcomes.

pedagogical strategies for teaching

8. Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (late 20th Century)

Transformative Learning Theory, proposed by Jack Mezirow in the late 20th Century, explores how learners (study was on specifically adults) undergo significant cognitive shifts or transformations in their beliefs, perspectives, and assumptions as a result of critical reflection and experience. 

Transformative Learning Theory (TLT) suggests that learning is not simply the acquisition of new information or skills but rather a profound process of perspective transformation.

Transformative learning involves critically examining one’s beliefs, assumptions, and perspectives, and reevaluating them in light of new information or experiences.

4 Key Concepts for TLT:

1. Perspective Transformation: Transformative learning involves a fundamental shift in how individuals perceive themselves, others, and the world around them. This shift often results in changed attitudes, values, and behaviors.

2. Critical Reflection: Transformative learning is driven by critical reflection, where individuals critically examine their beliefs, assumptions, and worldviews, often in response to disorienting dilemmas or conflicting experiences.

3. Frames of Reference: Mezirow identified frames of reference as the mental structures that shape individuals’ interpretations of experiences. Transformative learning involves challenging and reconstructing these frames of reference to accommodate new perspectives.

4. Dialogue and Discourse: Transformative learning can be facilitated through dialogue and discourse with others who hold different perspectives. Engaging in meaningful dialogue and exchanging ideas can stimulate critical reflection and perspective transformation.

4 Phases of Transformative Learning:

1. Disorienting Dilemma: Transformative learning often begins with a disorienting dilemma or crisis that challenges individuals’ existing beliefs or assumptions, leading to a sense of confusion or discomfort.

2. Self-Examination: Individuals engage in critical reflection, questioning their assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives in response to the disorienting dilemma.

3. Exploration of Options: Individuals explore new ways of understanding and interpreting their experiences, seeking out new information and perspectives to make sense of the dilemma.

4. Integration and Action: Through reflection and dialogue, individuals integrate new perspectives into their worldview, leading to a more comprehensive understanding and potentially changes in behavior or action.

Transformative Learning Theory has implications for adult education, particularly in fostering critical thinking, self-reflection, and personal growth.

Educators can create learning environments that encourage dialogue, reflection, and the exploration of diverse perspectives, facilitating transformative learning experiences.

Experiential learning, case studies, and reflective writing assignments are examples of instructional strategies that can promote transformative learning in educational settings.


Many of these theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching are still used in the classroom today and inform many teacher’s practice.


Which of the different theories and pedagogical strategies for teaching have influenced your teaching style? Comment below!

pedagogical strategies for teaching



ATEŞ, A. (2010). The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction Robert Gagné Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Florida-ABD, 4th edition, 1985, pp.361 ISBN 10: 0030636884. Ilköğretim online, 9(3), 5–9.

Gardner, H. (2004). Frames of mind : the theory of multiple intelligences (2nd paper ed.). BasicBooks.

Sweller, J. (2020). Cognitive load theory and educational technology. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-019-09701-3

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the animated teacher photo logo
Station activities for middle school

16 Best ​Station Activities for Middle School

16 Best ​Station Activities for Middle School

16 Best ​Station Activities for Middle School

Utilising station activities for middle school is my favorite way to increase student engagement without a heap of preparation on my end!

The benefits of using station activities to boost learning are endless and I’m excited to share with you the benefits, types of stations and common questions around using stations in this blog post.

So grab a coffee, find a comfy seat, and relax while we explore how to revamp your classroom! 

station activities for middle school

Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘Best station activities for middle school’, may contain links to resources that I have created. Read full disclaimer here. activ

Station Activities for middle school as an Instructional Strategy

Station activities for middle school are an instructional strategy where students rotate through different learning stations, each designed to target specific skills or concepts. The station rotation model allows for a variety of activities, learning modalities, and collaborative opportunities within a single lesson. Station activities are often used to engage students actively, promote independent learning, and address diverse learning styles. 

Station activities for middle school are a staple for me now, after witnessing the success and benefits of using them first hand. I use them in both middle school and high school to engage students in learning, critical thinking, collaboration and varied learning experiences. 

Station activities for middle school

12 Reasons to use Station Activities for middle school

Here are several reasons for teachers to consider using station activities in the classroom when creating lesson plans and teaching new content:

1. Active Engagement: Station activities encourage active student participation. By moving between stations and completing different tasks, students are actively engaged in the learning process, promoting better retention of information.

2. Movement: By creating stations around the room, students are up and moving around the classroom. This increases blood flow to the brain and helps students retain new information.

3. Differentiated Instruction: Stations allow for differentiation by providing various activities or levels of difficulty at each station. Teachers can tailor tasks to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of individual students, ensuring that everyone is appropriately challenged. It also allows for the teacher to seek out small groups of students to work with directly and offer more assistance in a teacher-led station. 

4. Collaborative Learning: Students often work collaboratively at stations, fostering teamwork and communication skills. Collaborative learning promotes a sense of community in the classroom and allows students to learn from each other.

5. Autonomous Learning: Station activities empower students to take ownership of their learning. As they navigate through different tasks independently or in groups, they develop a sense of responsibility and autonomy in their educational journey.

6. Flexible Pacing: Stations provide flexibility in pacing, allowing students to move through activities at their own pace. This accommodates different learning speeds and ensures that students have sufficient time to grasp and master the content before moving on.

7. Formative Assessment Opportunities: Teachers can embed formative assessments within station activities to gauge student understanding in real-time. This allows for on-the-spot adjustments to instruction based on student needs and misconceptions.

8. Increased Motivation: The dynamic nature of station activities adds an element of excitement and variety to the learning environment. This increased motivation can positively impact student engagement and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

9. Time Efficiency: Stations can optimize instructional time. While students are engaged in station activities, teachers can work with small groups or individuals, providing targeted support and feedback.

10. Scaffolded Learning: Stations can be designed to scaffold learning, with each station building on the knowledge and skills acquired at the previous one. This structured progression helps students make connections and see the relevance of the content.

11. Real-World Application: Station activities can simulate real-world scenarios, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical contexts. This application-oriented approach enhances the relevance of the content and its potential transferability to other situations.

12. Use of resources: When resources are limited, by including stations in your classroom you can save money by only needing to purchase one set of resources that students rotate through rather than a whole class set. 

How to set up station activities for middle school

1. Decide on the number of stations you want based on your class size and the size of the groups you want. Even if you only have 4 activities / worksheets, you might decide to actually set up 8 or 12 stations (as repeats) so you have smaller group sizes.

2. Label your stations. I like to use these cute station labels in my classes. 

3. Print your materials such as worksheets, station cards, etc

4. Organise groups.Whether students choose their own groups in the number you have decided, or you organise them into groups based on the way you want to differentiate, it is important to communicate this clearly with your class.

5. Set a time limit or expectation: Make your expectations clear for the class as to what they need to complete by the end of the lesson. This could be a certain number of stations, or you might set a timer so students move on to the next station every 10 minutes, for example. This is also an important time to communicate to students how the station is to be left when they finish – e.g. set it back up the way they found it.

6. Differentiate: for students who need more support or time, provide varied expectations. They could complete fewer stations in the same amount of time, or you could be more available to them during the station activities.

Station activities for middle school

body systems worksheets bundle

Best station activities for middle school

There are many different types of activities and content that can be covered in station activities for middle school. The whole lesson could be made up of one type of station activity (e.g. worksheets), or it could incorporate a variety of station-type activities in the one lesson. 

  1. Worksheets:
    • Students complete written or graphic exercises that reinforce the lesson’s content. Worksheets can include questions, diagrams, or problem-solving tasks.
  2. Practical:
    • Hands-on activities or experiments that allow students to directly engage with materials and concepts. Practical stations often involve manipulating objects or conducting experiments.
  3. Modelling:
    • Students observe or create models that represent scientific or mathematical concepts. This can involve physical models, diagrams, or simulations to enhance understanding.
  4. Teacher-Centered Station:
    • A station where the teacher provides direct instruction, clarification, or additional support. This station allows for personalized attention and guidance.
  5. Variety of Different Stations in One Lesson:
    • Incorporating multiple station types within a single lesson to address various learning styles and objectives. For example, a lesson might include a worksheet station, a practical station, and a modeling station.
  6. Digital Versions and Online Station:
    • Utilizing digital tools, apps, or online platforms for station activities. This allows students to engage with content using technology, including virtual simulations, interactive quizzes, or multimedia resources.
  7. QR Codes:
    • Stations where students scan QR codes to access specific content, instructions, or resources. QR codes can link to websites, videos, or interactive materials related to the lesson.
  8. Interactive Whiteboard Station:
    • Students interact with content displayed on an interactive whiteboard, participating in virtual activities, simulations, or collaborative discussions.
  9. Role-Playing Station:
    • Students engage in role-playing scenarios related to the lesson’s content. This can help them apply knowledge in real-world contexts and enhance communication skills.
  10. Discussion Station:
    • A station dedicated to group discussions or debates on specific topics. Students share their perspectives, debate ideas, and collaboratively explore the subject matter.
  11. Gallery Walk Station:
    • Students move around the classroom to view and discuss visual displays related to the lesson. This encourages peer-to-peer learning and discussion.
  12. Escape Room Station:
    • Students solve puzzles or challenges related to the lesson’s content to “escape” the station. This adds an element of gamification and problem-solving.
  13. Peer Teaching Station:
    • Students take turns teaching a concept or skill to their peers. This station promotes collaboration and reinforces understanding through teaching.
  14. Data Analysis Station:
    • Students analyze and interpret data sets relevant to the lesson. This can involve graphing, drawing conclusions, and discussing implications.
  15. Artistic Expression Station:
    • Students use artistic mediums (drawing, painting, etc.) to represent scientific or mathematical concepts creatively. This station caters to visual and kinesthetic learners.
  16. Reflective Writing Station:
    • Students engage in written reflections about the lesson’s content, connecting new information to their prior knowledge and personal experiences. Station activities for middle school

Common questions for using station activities for middle school

1. Question: How can I oversee classroom management during station work?

Consider establishing clear expectations and procedures for transitions between stations. Use visual cues, timers, or signals to help students know when to rotate. Additionally, circulate around the room to monitor progress and address any behaviour issues promptly.

2. Question: What types of activities are suitable for station work?

Choose activities that align with the learning objectives and cater to different learning styles. Mix hands-on experiments, collaborative projects, technology-based tasks, and independent exercises to provide a well-rounded experience for students.

3. Question: Where can I find resources for station activities for middle school? 

Explore educational websites, textbooks, and online platforms that offer pre-designed station activities. Collaborate with colleagues to share ideas and materials. You can also create your own resources or adapt existing ones to suit your curriculum.

If you want to purchase some ready made station activities for middle school science, visit my resource centre here.

4. Question: How should I group students for station activities in the classroom? 

Consider a variety of grouping strategies, such as mixed groups based on ability, interest, or learning style. Rotate groups periodically to promote collaboration among different students.

5. Question: What can I do for advanced students during station activities in the classroom? 

Provide extension activities at one or more stations to challenge advanced students. These could involve more complex problems, additional research, or creative applications of the content. Individualized or self-paced tasks are also effective.

6. Question: What is the appropriate age range for students to engage in station activities?

Station activities can be adapted for all age groups. While simpler activities may suit younger students, older students can handle more complex tasks. Tailor the content and expectations to match the developmental level of the students.

7. Question: How do station activities work with different class sizes?

Adjust the number of stations and the size of student groups based on your class size. Smaller classes may have fewer stations, while larger classes may benefit from more stations to accommodate all students. I love printable station activities as you can print doubles to allow for smaller groups around each station.

8. Question: Can station activities be used across different subject areas?

Yes, station activities can be applied across various subject areas. Modify the content and tasks to align with the specific learning goals of each subject. For example, stations in science may involve experiments, while stations in language arts may focus on reading and writing tasks.

9. Question: How can I incorporate direct instruction during station activities?

Designate a specific station for direct instruction where you can provide brief explanations, answer questions, or clarify concepts. Rotate students through this station to ensure that everyone receives necessary guidance.

10. Question: Are there digital versions of station activities?

Yes, many station activities for middle school can be adapted for digital platforms. Utilize online resources, educational apps, or learning management systems to create virtual stations. This allows for flexibility in implementation, especially in blended or remote learning environments. Station activities for middle school


Using station activities for middle school really helped me to energise my classroom. Students have become more engaged, more independent, more collaborative, and state that they enjoy science more!


Please comment with your favorite station activities for middle school below!


Note: Always consult your school’s specific safety guidelines and policies, and seek guidance from experienced colleagues or administrators when in doubt about safety protocols. 

Station activities for middle school experiments

About the Author

the animated teacher

Station activities for middle school

9 Great Ways to Teach Variables in Science Experiments

9 Great Ways to Teach Variables in Science Experiments

9 Great Ways to Teach Variables in Science Experiments

Science is a journey of exploration and discovery, and at the heart of every scientific experiment lies the concept of variables. Variables in science experiments are the building blocks of experimentation, allowing scientists to manipulate and measure different elements to draw meaningful conclusions.

Teaching students about variables is crucial for developing their scientific inquiry skills and fostering a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of teaching variables in science experiments, delve into the distinctions between independent, dependent, and controlled variables, and provide creative ideas on how to effectively teach these variable types.

So grab a coffee, find a comfy seat, and relax while we explore fun ways to teach variables in science experiments! 

ways to teach variables in science experiments

The Importance of Teaching Variables in Science Experiments:


  • Foundation of Scientific Inquiry: Variables form the bedrock of the scientific method. Teaching students about variables helps them grasp the fundamental principles of scientific inquiry, enabling them to formulate hypotheses, design experiments, and draw valid conclusions.


  • Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding variables cultivates critical thinking skills in students. It encourages them to analyze the relationships between different factors, question assumptions, and think systematically when designing and conducting experiments.


  • Real-world Application: Variables are not confined to the laboratory; they exist in everyday life. Teaching students about variables equips them with the skills to critically assess and interpret the multitude of factors influencing phenomena in the real world, fostering a scientific mindset beyond the classroom.


In addition to the above, understanding scientific variables is crucial for designing an experiment and collecting valid results because variables are the building blocks of the scientific method.

A well-designed experiment involves the careful manipulation and measurement of variables to test hypotheses and draw meaningful conclusions about the relationships between different factors. Here are several reasons why a clear understanding of scientific variables is essential for the experimental process:

1. Precision and Accuracy: By identifying and defining variables, researchers can design experiments with precision and accuracy. This clarity helps ensure that the measurements and observations made during the experiment are relevant to the research question, reducing the likelihood of errors or misinterpretations.

2. Hypothesis Testing: Variables in science experiments are central to hypothesis formulation and testing. A hypothesis typically involves predicting the relationship between an independent variable (the one manipulated) and a dependent variable (the one measured). Understanding these variables is essential for constructing a hypothesis that can be tested through experimentation.

3. Controlled Experiments: Variables, especially controlled variables, enable researchers to conduct controlled experiments. By keeping certain factors constant (controlled variables) while manipulating others (independent variable), scientists can isolate the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. This control is essential for drawing valid conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Reproducibility: Clear identification and understanding of variables enhance the reproducibility of experiments. When other researchers attempt to replicate an experiment, a detailed understanding of the variables involved ensures that they can accurately reproduce the conditions and obtain similar results.

5. Data Interpretation: Knowing the variables in science experiments allows for a more accurate interpretation of the collected data. Researchers can attribute changes in the dependent variable to the manipulation of the independent variable and rule out alternative explanations. This is crucial for drawing reliable conclusions from the experimental results.

6. Elimination of Confounding Factors: Without a proper understanding of variables, experiments are susceptible to confounding factors—unintended variables that may influence the results. Through careful consideration of all relevant variables, researchers can minimize the impact of confounding factors and increase the internal validity of their experiments.

7. Optimization of Experimental Design: Understanding variables in science experiments helps researchers optimize the design of their experiments. They can choose the most relevant and influential variables to manipulate and measure, ensuring that the experiment is focused on addressing the specific research question.

8. Applicability to Real-world Situations: A thorough understanding of variables enhances the applicability of experimental results to real-world situations. It allows researchers to draw connections between laboratory findings and broader phenomena, contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge and its practical applications.

The Different Types of Variables in Science Experiments:

There are 3 main types of variables in science experiments; independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

1. Independent Variable:

The independent variable is the factor that is deliberately manipulated or changed in an experiment. The independent variable affects the dependent variable (the one being measured).

Example: In a plant growth experiment, the amount of sunlight the plants receive can be the independent variable. Researchers might expose one group of plants to more sunlight than another group.

2. Dependent Variable:

The dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured in an experiment. It depends on the changes made to the independent variable.

Example: In the same plant growth experiment, the height of the plants would be the dependent variable. This is what researchers would measure to determine the effect of sunlight on plant growth.

3. Controlled Variable:

Controlled variables, also called constant variables, are the factors in an experiment that are kept constant to ensure that any observed changes in the dependent variable are a result of the manipulation of the independent variable. These are not to be confused with control groups.

In a scientific experiment in chemistry, a control group is a crucial element that serves as a baseline for comparison. The control group is designed to remain unchanged or unaffected by the independent variable, which is the variable being manipulated in the experiment.

The purpose of including a control group is to provide a reference point against which the experimental results can be compared, helping scientists determine whether the observed effects are a result of the independent variable or other external factors.

Example: In the plant growth experiment, factors like soil type, amount of water, type of plant and temperature would be control variables. Keeping these constant ensures that any differences in plant height can be attributed to changes in sunlight.

Science variables in science experiments


Best resources for reviewing variables in science experiments:


If you’re short on time and would rather buy your resources, then I’ve compiled a list of my favorite resources for teaching and reviewing variables in science experiments below. While there is nothing better than actually doing science experiments, this isn’t feasible every lesson and these resources are great for consolidation of learning:

1. FREE Science Variables Posters: These are perfect as a visual aide in your classroom while also providing lab decorations! Print in A4 or A3 size to make an impact.

2. Variable scenarios worksheet printable: Get your students thinking about variable with these train your pet dragon themed scenarios. Students identify the independent variable, dependent variable and controlled variables in each scenario.

3. Variable Valentines scenarios worksheet printable: Get your students thinking about variables with these cupid Valentine’s Day scenarios. Students identify the independent variable, dependent variable and controlled variables in each scenario.

4. Variable Halloween scenarios worksheet printable: Spook your students with these Halloween themed scenarios. Students identify the independent variable, dependent variable and controlled variables in each scenario.

5. Scientific Method Digital Escape Room: Review all parts of the scientific method with this fun (zero prep) digital escape room! 

6. Scientific Method Stations Printable or Sub Lesson: The worst part of being a teacher? Having to still work when you are sick! This science sub lesson plan includes a fully editable lesson plan designed for a substitute teacher to take, including differentiated student worksheets and full teacher answers. This lesson involves learning about all parts of the scientific method, including variables.


9 Teaching Strategies for Variables in Science Experiments

To help engage students in learning about the different types of scientific variables, it is important to include a range of activities and teaching strategies. Here are some suggestions:

1. Hands-on Experiments: Conducting hands-on experiments is one of the most effective ways to teach students about variables. Provide students with the opportunity to design and conduct their experiments, manipulating and measuring variables to observe outcomes.

Easy science experiments you could include might relate to student heart rate (e.g. before and after exercise), type of ball vs height it bounces, amount of sunlight on the growth of a plant, the strength of an electromagnet (copper wire around a nail) vs the number of coils.

Change things up by sometimes having students identify the independent variable, dependent variable and controlled variables before the experiment, or sometimes afterwards.

Consolidate by graphing results and reinforcing that the independent variable goes alone the x-axis while the dependent variable goes on the y-axis.

2. Teacher Demonstrations:

Use demonstrations to illustrate the concepts of independent, dependent, and controlled variables. For instance, use a simple chemical reaction where the amount of reactant (independent variable) influences the amount of product formed (dependent variable), with temperature and pressure controlled.

3. Case Studies:

Introduce case studies that highlight real-world applications of variables in science experiments. Discuss famous experiments or breakthroughs in science where variables played a crucial role. This approach helps students connect theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

4. Imaginary Situations:

Spark student curiosity and test their understanding of the concept of variables in science experiments by providing imaginary situations or contexts for students to apply their knowledge. Some of my favorites to use are this train your pet dragon and Halloween themed variables in science worksheets.

5. Variable Sorting Activities:

Engage students with sorting activities where they categorize different variables in science experiments into independent, dependent, and controlled variables. This hands-on approach encourages active learning and reinforces their understanding of variable types.

6. Visual Aids:

Utilize visual aids such as charts, graphs, and diagrams to visually represent the relationships between variables. Visualizations can make abstract concepts more tangible and aid in the comprehension of complex ideas.

7. Technology Integration:

Leverage technology to enhance variable teaching. Virtual simulations and interactive apps can provide a dynamic platform for students to manipulate variables in a controlled environment, fostering a deeper understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships.

Websites such as Phet are a great tool to use to model these types of scientific experiments and to identify and manipulate the different variables

8. Group Discussions:

Encourage group discussions where students can share their insights and experiences related to variables in science experiments. This collaborative approach promotes peer learning and allows students to learn from each other’s perspectives.

9. Digital Escape Rooms:

Reinforce learning by using a fun interactive activity like this scientific method digital escape room.


Teaching variables in science experiments is an essential component of science education, laying the groundwork for critical thinking, inquiry skills, and a lifelong appreciation for the scientific method.

By emphasizing the distinctions between independent, dependent, and controlled variables and employing creative teaching strategies, educators can inspire students to become curious, analytical, and scientifically literate individuals. 


What are your favorite ways to engage students in learning about the different types of variables in science experiments? Comment below!


Note: Always consult your school’s specific safety guidelines and policies, and seek guidance from experienced colleagues or administrators when in doubt about safety protocols. 

Teaching variables in science experiments

About the Author

the animated teacher photo logo

Station activities for middle school

15 powerful reasons to use doodle notes with your students

15 powerful reasons to use doodle notes with your students

15 powerful reasons to use doodle notes with your students

I’ve always struggled to help students make notes that include all the important information, are easy to study and remember, and differentiated so they make sense to every student. That was, until I learned about all the reasons to use Doodle Notes™! 

Doodle notes are a visual note-taking method that allows students to learn by creating visual representations of the material they are studying. These have completely transformed the way I have students record notes in my class and I couldn’t be happier. Students are interacting with the content, they are able to be creative, and they are able to visualise their notes when it comes to reflecting on them for examinations.

In this blog post I will share with you what Doodle Notes are, ways you can use them effectively, and 15 reasons to use doodle notes to benefit you and your students in the classroom.


reasons to use doodle notes
Disclaimer: This blog post, ’15 reasons to use doodle notes with your students’, may contain affiliate links. Read full disclaimer here. Note: “Doodle Notes” is a trademarked term used with permission. Please visit doodlenotes.org for more information.station activities in the classroom

What are doodle notes?

“Doodle notes” (TM) are a unique visual note-taking method with built-in features that increase focus and memory by taking advantage of a collection of brain research. The brain converts blends of visual and linguistic information into long-term memory more easily. This form of visual note-taking allows students to remember and process new information more easily. These are great reasons to use Doodle notes alone!

The term “Doodle notes” is a trademarked term (used here with permission), and resources that meet the criteria as Doodle Notes need to have the following requirements:

  • Visual triggers or analogies specific to the lesson material,
  • Images that work with text to initiate dual coding
  • Space for student doodling and tasks for student interaction
  • Opportunities for students to add their own flair through coloring, drawing, and embellishing
  • Creative layout of text and images that are designed for brain-based learning.

The combination of these requirements make Doodle Notes a very powerful tool to use in the classroom.

Here are some examples of doodle notes below:

ionic bonding doodle notes chemistry
covalent bonding doodle notes chemistry
dispersion forces doodle notes

How to use doodle notes in your classroom

Being such a diverse resource, Doodle Notes can be used in a wide range of situations or learning opportunities.

For example: 

  1. Give to students to take notes during teacher direct instruction or exposition
  2. Use during an educational video
  3. Provide with revision slides to help students complete as revision
  4. Have students complete for homework to demonstrate their learning
  5. Allow students to bring a completed one in for use in an open book test
  6. Use with a partner as a type of think, pair and share

reasons to use doodle notes in the classroom

15 reasons to use doodle notes with your students

So now that you know what doodle notes are and how you can use them, here are 15 reasons to use Doodle Notes in your classroom!


1. Increased Engagement: Doodle notes provide an engaging way to learn, allowing students to visually represent and connect the material they are learning. Doodle Notes are way less intimidating for students to start taking notes with than starting with a blank page. It helps students get started as there are many ways they can engage with the page.


2. Better Focus: Doodling while taking notes can actually help students focus on the material they are learning, as it keeps their mind active and engaged. It also allows students to take their own ‘brain breaks’ during their use. If they need a rest from writing notes, students can choose to color or doodle to provide their brain that rest time. Once rested they are able to re-focus again at a higher level.


3. Improved Memory Retention: Doodling while taking notes can help students retain information better than traditional note-taking methods. This is due to the visual triggers and dual-coding. Dual-coding involves using multiple stimuli that allows the brain to remember the information more easily and also retrieve it more easily later on. 


4. Personalization: Doodle notes allow students to create their own personal connections with the material and create a unique representation of what they are learning. They are free to add their own drawings, colors, arrows and connections so that it makes sense to them personally.


5. Creativity: Doodle notes allow for creativity, which can help students think outside the box and approach learning in a unique way. This is even more important in subjects that may not be innately creative such as maths and science. 


6. Accessibility: Doodle notes are accessible to all learners, including those with learning disabilities, visual learners, and those who prefer a more hands-on approach to learning. Every student can access them to their own level.


7. Fun: Doodle notes are a fun way to learn and can help break up the monotony of traditional note-taking methods. Students enjoy choosing which colors to use, what to ‘doodle’ on their page and how to interpret the visual cues.


8. Improved Comprehension: Doodle notes help students better understand and comprehend complex material, as they are able to visually represent different pieces of information. It also helps students connect ideas, content and examples together which helps students deepen their level of understanding. reasons to use doodle notes in the classroom

9. Encourages Active Learning: Doodle notes encourage students to actively engage with the material they are learning, rather than passively listening to a lecture or video. Even if students are only coloring the diagrams, it allows their brain to connect the diagrams with what they are hearing.


10. Improved Organization: Doodle notes help students organize their thoughts and ideas, making it easier to recall information later on. 

11. Provides a Study Tool: Doodle notes serve as a study tool that students can refer back to when studying for exams or completing assignments. They are an excellent study resource due to the visual impact they have, as they are easier to bring to mind when trying to recall the information.

reasons to use doodle notes in the classroom


12. Promotes Critical Thinking: Doodle notes promote critical thinking, as students must think about the material they are learning and determine how best to represent it visually. This is one of my favorite reasons to use doodle notes!


13. Provides opportunity for assessment: Doodle notes provide opportunity for students to demonstrate what they learnt or understood from a lecture, class learning etc. It is easy for teachers to quickly assess by having a look at how students have completed the doodle notes.


14. Improved Teacher-Student Relationships: Using doodle notes can help improve teacher-student relationships, as it allows for more interactive and engaging classroom experiences. 


15. Easy Differentiation: Doodle notes are immediately differentiated as students will engage with the material in a way that makes sense to them. You could further differentiate by adding extra or different prompts, providing a list of key terms, or providing some more scaffolded notes like cloze passages.

reasons to use doodle notes in the classroom



There are many reasons to use doodle notes with your students. Not only do they provide an engaging and fun way to learn, but they also promote critical thinking, improve memory retention, and provide a study tool for students.

By incorporating doodle notes into your teaching practice, you can help create a positive learning experience for your students and help to improve their overall academic performance.

Do you use doodle notes in your classroom?

What are your favorite reasons to use doodle notes with your students? Comment below!

Don’t forget to visit my store to pick up some ready made doodle notes!

reasons to use doodle notes in the classroom

Women’s History Month in the classroom

Easy lunch ideas for teachers


15 Powerful reasons to use station activities in the classroom

15 Powerful reasons to use station activities in the classroom

15 Powerful reasons to use station activities in the classroom

As teachers, we are always looking for ways to engage our students and make learning enjoyable. One effective approach is the use of station activities in the classroom. Station activities are designed to provide students with a variety of learning experiences, all within the same class period. The benefits of using station activities in the classroom extend to both the students and the teacher. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore 15 powerful reasons why you should consider incorporating station activities in the classroom. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out, station activities can help you better meet the needs of your diverse student population and make your classroom a more vibrant and dynamic learning environment. 

So grab a coffee, get comfortable, and  let’s dive in to the many benefits of using station activities in the classroom!

station activities in the classroom

reasons to use station activities in the classroom

Disclaimer: This blog post, ’15 Powerful reasons to use station activities in the classroom’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here. station activities in the classroom

What are station activities in the classroom?

 Station activities are a teaching approach that involves breaking the class into small groups and having them rotate through a series of learning stations. Each station provides students with a different activity or task that focuses on a specific learning objective. Students work in small groups, with each group rotating through all of the stations.

To set up station activities in your classroom, you’ll need to first determine your learning objectives for the lesson. Then, create several activities that focus on these objectives. 

Stations don’t have to be a lot of effort to set up. They don’t even need to be hands-on activities. A station could consist of a worksheet, reading a passage, or even watching a video. It could be all the normal activities you were going to do in a lesson, but rather than having the class do them at the same time you could set them up as stations. 

Next, divide your class into small groups and assign each group to a different station. Depending on the size of your class and the number of stations, you may need to repeat some stations to ensure that all groups have a chance to complete all activities.

Some ideas for making station activities in the classroom run smoothly include:

  • Setting a timer for each station so students know when to rotate to the next station (I don’t usually do this as I like my students to move at their own pace, however, if you have students who dawdle or need help staying on task then this can be super helpful). 
  • Put students into groups rather than letting them choose their own. I like to group my students so that my strugglers have some support from peers who are able to work more independently.
  • Set up more than one set of stations. My classes are usually upwards of 25 students. If I have a smaller number of stations (say 5) I like to set up two lots of these to reduce waiting time and crowding. 
  • Have students take turns ‘leading’ the station. This may involve reading instructions, ensuring all parts of the station are completed, and ensuring the station is cleaned up and reset for the next group.
  • Set rules and expectations as well as consequences for what happens if they don’t follow them. Generally students really enjoy station activities, so ensuring they understand that if they muck around they will be required to sit back in their seat to complete the work might be enough for them to be on their best behaviour.
  • Make sure instructions are clear for each station so that students can start immediately and avoid confusion.
  • Give students a goal of what needs to be done in the time frame to keep expectations high.
lesson intro slides free
all about me science bunting

Reasons to use station activities in the classroom for students

Using station activities in the classroom has some very powerful benefits for student learning. Some of these include:

1. Encourages Active Learning: Station activities allow students to be more actively engaged in their learning. By moving around the classroom, working on different tasks, and collaborating with peers, students are more likely to be invested in the learning process.


2. Differentiated Instruction: Stations can provide an opportunity for teachers to differentiate instruction and meet the individual needs of their students. Teachers can create different stations for different skill levels or learning styles, providing students with targeted activities that are most effective for them.


3. Differentiated Environment: Stations also allow for differentiation by allowing students to work at their own pace, complete stations in different orders, choose to sit or stand, and potentially choose who to work with. Providing this level of choice is also powerful in giving students ownership over their own learning. 


4. Increases Student Engagement: By providing a variety of tasks and activities at different stations, teachers can capture the interest of all students and promote engagement. Students are less likely to get bored or disengaged when they are presented with a variety of options.


5. Promotes Collaboration: Station activities in the classroom can encourage collaboration and peer-to-peer teaching. Students working in pairs or small groups can discuss and compare their work, and help each other if they are struggling. I often also witness this not just within a group, but between groups. Students may check with the group that completed that station ahead of them to see if they also got the same result. 


6. Enhances Learning Outcomes: When students are engaged, active, and collaborative in their learning, they are more likely to retain information and perform better academically. By incorporating station activities, teachers can enhance learning outcomes and help students achieve academic success.


7. Allows for Movement: By allowing movement, you are also allowing more oxygen to be pumped to the brain. This helps students remain focussed on the tasks and keep their brain active to learn new information.


8. Builds a positive vibe: This is hard to describe, but when I use stations in my classroom there is a vibe. Students are discussing the learning, smiling, working hard, enjoying different tasks, enjoying the collaboration. It’s a vibe. A great one. 

station activities in the classroom

Reasons to use station activities in the classroom for teachers

9. Cost effective for equipment or supplies: If you have limited sets of equipment or materials for a whole class activity, then this is an excellent solution. Rather than having to buy lots of equipment, you can just buy one set of each and have students take turns at each station.

This is particularly helpful for myself as a science teacher as we often don’t have a class set of the more expensive equipment.


10. You can move around freely: Being able to move around the room rather than being stuck up the front allows you to witness students in the depths of learning, hear their conversations and participate in them, provide direct instruction or assistance as necessary, and even take the time to make notes for informal assessment. 


11. Differentiate instruction and assistance: By moving around to different groups you are able to provide more differentiated instructions, information and help as students need it. 


12. Assess students and provide feedback in real time: We know that feedback is most useful if it is timely. By using stations and moving around, it provides you with this opportunity to check student work and give feedback at the time it is needed.


13. Observe students working in different ways: It is a great thing to witness students learning in a range of environments and with different people. This can help you plan for future lessons in making observations about how long students take at each station, who they work well with, who is good at leading the group, etc. 


 14. Provides great opportunities for action photos: Take these opportunities to take photos of students engaged in learning. Use these to put up around the classroom, put in a newsletter article, add to the school website, promote your subject or even send home to parents.


 15. Helps you build positive relationships with students: While it can be hard to get to know students while they are working at their desks, station activities in the classroom allow for you to chat with them more freely and engage with them more personally.

This is really helpful for building a positive rapport and relationship with your students.

station activities in the classroom


There are so many benefits to both students and teachers when using station activities in the classroom.

Do you use them in your classroom?

Please share your experiences below in the comments!

Don’t forget to visit my store to pick up some ready made station activities!

station activities in the classroom

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