Teacher appreciation week 2023: the undervalued aspects of teaching

by | May 6, 2023 | Wellbeing | 3 comments

Happy teacher appreciation week 2023!

Teaching is one of those professions that is often unappreciated. Since everyone has been a student before, as adults they assume they know exactly what it is that teachers do. However, there is no end to how far teachers will go to support their students.

Being Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 this coming week I wrote a little poem to bring some issues to the front of the discussion and I continue to talk about some of these points in this blog post.

I’d love for you to comment with your ‘what if’s’ for teachers in the comment section below!

Teacher appreciation week 2023

teacher appreciation week 2023

Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘Teacher appreciation week 2023: The unappreciated aspects of teaching’, may contain affiliate links. Read full disclaimer here. activities in the classroom

Teacher appreciation week 2023

A Poem

What If?

What if teachers, cherished professionals, they were seen,

With admiration, their worth acknowledged, and hearts keen?

What if their pay matched those of football’s grand stage?

A salary befitting their impact and wisdom, oh, the wage!


What if their value was truly understood,

Compensation reflecting their irreplaceable good?

Overtime recognized, rewarded for every extra hour,

For the dedication poured into each student, a mighty power.


What if the clock struck nine and five,

And within those hours, their passion did thrive?

No longer burdened by endless toil and strife,

But allowed to embrace a balanced, fulfilling life.


What if respect, like a blooming flower, always bloomed,

In every interaction, in every classroom?

A world where appreciation for teachers was known,

A testament to their efforts, a gratitude clearly shown.


What if the curriculum became a shared endeavor,

Teachers empowered to shape it, their expertise to treasure?

No longer confined by rigid standards, they’d soar,

Inspiring young minds with knowledge to explore.


What if fears of school shootings ceased to exist,

Teachers focused on nurturing, not targets to resist?

A sanctuary of safety, where growth could unfold,

A shield of protection, a haven, where all could be bold.


What if blame dissolved, like shadows in the light,

Teachers not burdened by accusations, their spirits taking flight?

Acknowledged for their guidance, not faulted for a child’s strife,

Liberated from the weight of another’s struggle, the cycle cut with a knife.


What if resources flowed abundantly, an unending stream,

No teacher left wanting, no dream too extreme?

Equipped to inspire, to ignite young hearts and minds,

With tools aplenty, creativity unbound, what treasures we’d find!


What if teachers were spared the burden of their own purse,

No longer forced to buy supplies, an unrewarded curse?

Funds freely provided, their pockets untouched,

A testament to their worth, to their value, so much.


But hold, pause, and ponder before this dream unfolds,

For teachers, they’re more than just facts to be told.

Their role as parents, as counselors, as guides,

Integral to their purpose, where compassion abides.

For a world without parenting, counseling, or care,

Would be a barren landscape, an existence unfair.


Teachers, the beacons, igniting futures so bright,

Their impact immeasurable, like stars in the night.

So let’s strive for a world where appreciation is rife,

Where teachers are respected, their value in life.

For in their tireless efforts, in their unwavering flame,

Lies the promise of a brighter future, a world forever changed.

Teacher appreciation week 2023


Teacher appreciation week 2023

Teacher appreciation week 2023:

The unappreciated Aspects of Teaching


  1. What if teachers were treated as professionals?

Unfortunately, teachers are often not treated as professionals. They aren’t trusted to know what their class needs. They aren’t trusted by administrators to do the work they need to. They aren’t trusted by parents or the community to be experts in their field. While the saying ‘those who can’t do, teach’ is common, actually there are very few individuals who have the range of skills required to be a teacher. Many people think that because they went to school, they know what teachers do. But it is the behind-the-scenes aspect of the job that requires the most effort, patience, and work. 

In a world where teachers were treated as professionals, their expertise, dedication, and impact would be recognized and respected. They would receive the same level of esteem as other esteemed professions, such as doctors or lawyers. This recognition would elevate the status of teaching as a noble and essential profession, attracting talented individuals who are passionate about education.

Treating teachers as professionals would empower them to make informed decisions, contribute to educational policies, and collaborate with colleagues to improve teaching practices. This shift in perception would foster a culture of professionalism and excellence within the field of education.


  1. What if teachers were paid the same as professional footballers?

I have a few friends who have or do currently play professional football. I have a high appreciation for their focused mindset, commitment to their training, and the toll it takes on their body. They bring immense value to society, not just via entertainment, but creating an environment that brings people together with a common interest.

Imagine a world where teachers were paid the same as professional footballers, reflecting the immense value they bring to society. By equalizing their salaries, we would acknowledge the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the future generation.

This equitable compensation would attract highly qualified individuals to pursue teaching as a career, resulting in a more competitive and skilled teaching force. Furthermore, it would demonstrate society’s genuine appreciation for the crucial work teachers do and provide them with the financial stability they deserve.

Teacher appreciation week 2023

  1. What if teachers didn’t have to worry about school shootings?

As an Australian, my heart goes out to those living in other countries where school shootings are occuring. Apart from being completely devastating for those involved, it also brings a dark cloud over all schools, all students and all teachers. 

To go to work fearing your safety every day is not what teachers signed up for. Yes there are careers in which this is part of the expectation. Teaching is not and it shouldn’t be. There are teachers learning how to use a gun for their, and their students’ protection.

Time is spent thinking about how to block doors in an emergency lockdown and how to hide students away. While we need to have safety protocols in place, these real threats of a school shooting heighten anxiety in teachers and I believe I speak for all when I say that we all wish that this wasn’t a reality teachers have to face.

Teacher appreciation week 2023


Teacher appreciation week 2023 gift ideas


  1. What if teachers didn’t get blamed for students’ attitude / performance / achievement:

In a few decades, the focus on student achievement has dramatically shifted. 

It used to be that if the student wasn’t performing, parents would blame the student for not completing all homework or paying full attention in class. 

However, these days it is normal for parents to put the blame onto the teacher. That it is the teacher’s fault if a student isn’t paying attention, completing homework or handing in tasks on time. 

In a world where teachers weren’t unfairly blamed for students’ attitude, performance, or achievement, a more collaborative and supportive atmosphere would prevail. Recognizing that education is a shared responsibility involving multiple stakeholders, including parents, students, and the broader community, would foster a more productive partnership. 

Teachers would be acknowledged for their efforts in guiding and inspiring students, while also understanding that various factors contribute to a student’s overall development. By shifting from blame to cooperation, teachers can focus on empowering students and providing the necessary support for their success.


  1. What if teachers had access to all the resources they needed? 

I am very very fortunate to work in a school where we are well-resourced. However, I am acutely aware that this is not the norm. So many teachers are teaching in schools where there are limited resources to the point where they dip into their own pockets to provide students with the educational experience they deserve. From textbooks to decorations to even providing pens and paper, teachers will always go above and beyond. 

But they shouldn’t have to. 

In a world where all teachers had access to the resources they needed, educational equity and quality would be enhanced. By providing adequate resources and alleviating the financial strain, teachers could focus on enhancing their instructional approaches, creating engaging lessons, and fostering a supportive learning environment. 

Access to resources would level the playing field, allowing all students to benefit from an enriching learning experience regardless of their background or location. By investing in teachers’ access to resources, society invests in the future of education, ensuring that every student has an equal opportunity to thrive.


  1. What if teachers stopped parenting, counselling… caring?

Teachers are teachers because they care. They want the best for their students and their care goes beyond any curriculum. They care for each student as a whole person. From their physical needs (many a time a teacher has provided lunch or food for those who have come without), to their social needs, to their emotional needs and of course their educational needs. 

In a world where teachers stopped parenting, counselling, and caring, the educational ecosystem would suffer greatly. These roles are inherent to a teacher’s profession, as they not only provide academic instruction but also act as mentors and nurturers for their students. 

Counselling and caring are fundamental aspects of building strong relationships, fostering emotional well-being, and addressing students’ diverse needs. Removing these roles would lead to a loss of trust, connection, and the essential support systems that contribute to students’ growth and success. Teachers’ ability to provide holistic support is vital for student development, and these aspects should be celebrated and supported rather than eliminated.

But as teachers burnout, their capacity for providing this level of care starts to wane. 

If you’re struggling with teacher burnout you might like my blog series on this topic:

10 Useful tips for avoiding teacher burnout

7 clear signs of teacher burnout

How to survive teacher burnout

Teacher appreciation week 2023

Teacher appreciation week 2023 gift ideas

  1. What if teachers had more say in the curriculum they taught?

Who knows a students’ educational needs better than their teacher? 


That’s right. No one. 


Empowering teachers with a greater say in the curriculum they teach would enhance the educational experience for students. 

Teachers are on the front lines, understanding the unique needs and interests of their students. Allowing them to have input in curriculum design and development would enable them to tailor lessons to suit students’ diverse learning styles, making education more engaging, relevant, and impactful. 

Teacher involvement in curriculum decisions would foster a sense of ownership and increase their motivation and investment in the teaching-learning process.


  1. What if teachers only worked 9-5?

It is just assumed that even though a teachers salary is based on a 9-5 day, that teachers will still take their work home with them. And they have to! It is impossible to complete all the tasks required of them during their “work” hours while they have a class of 30 students in front of them. 

Establishing a work-life balance for teachers by adhering to regular working hours would promote their well-being and allow for personal growth and rejuvenation. With defined working hours, teachers would have time to engage in self-care, pursue hobbies, and spend quality time with their families. This balance is essential to prevent burnout and ensure that teachers are energized and fully present in the classroom.

By respecting their personal time, teachers would have the opportunity to recharge, resulting in increased job satisfaction and overall effectiveness in their roles.

In addition to this, compensating teachers for overtime work would acknowledge the countless additional hours they dedicate to their students and their profession. Overtime pay would recognize the extensive time spent preparing lessons, grading assignments, and engaging in professional development activities outside regular working hours. 

Providing fair remuneration for this extra effort would incentivise teachers to continue going above and beyond, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and dedication.

Teacher appreciation week 2023


There are many aspects of teaching which are unappreciated and take their toll on teachers. 

You are superstars. You change lives. You change the future. 

It is more than just a shame that this is often not recognised or rewarded appropriately. 

But keep your head high because I see you.

And together I hope we can make a difference and bring to light some of these important issues for teachers.

Comment with your ‘what if’ below!

Enjoy Teacher Appreciation Week 2023!

Teacher appreciation week 2023

the animated teacher photo logo

Written by Katrina

Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

Teacher appreciation week 2023



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