Spring break guide for teachers: 10 productivity tips

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Teacher Tips & Hacks

Spring break is the perfect time for teachers to recharge, relax, and prepare for the busy days ahead. However, instead of just lounging around and letting the break slip away, why not utilize this time to make your life easier when school resumes?

Because, let’s face it, we spend more of our life not on spring break. If we can decrease the stress for our term time it will impact our overall health and wellness more dramatically than any spring break can!

In this Spring break guide for teachers, we will explore ten practical ways for teachers to maximize their spring break and set themselves up for a smoother transition back into the classroom.

Spring break guide for teachers

spring break guide for teachers

Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘Spring break guide for teachers: 10 productivity tips’, may contain affiliate links. Read full disclaimer here. activ

Spring Break Guide for Teachers

1. Wrap up loose ends

Towards the end of the school year I can become so tired and focussed on the finish line that I can also become a bit lazy with wrapping up loose ends. (I hope I’m not the only one!)

Respond to those emails, upload student results, file away resources and sign off on any outstanding forms. I hate having those things hang over my head!

2. Plan days to work and days you wont 

During spring break we all know that we have work to do before the next term starts. But sometimes our spring break can be ruined by that nagging feeling that you have work to do but haven’t allocated any time to do it. 

Sit down and map out how much work you have to do and which days you will get it done. That way your brain doesn’t have to worry about it on the ‘non-work’ days knowing that you have time set aside to get it done. 

3. Declutter your workspace / classroom

This is actually my favourite tip in the spring break guide for teachers. There is nothing better than working into work and seeing your workspace all neat, tidy and clean!

If you don’t get this done before the school year ends I highly recommend finding the time to do it before the new school year starts. Otherwise it will get pushed to the side as the business of school life comes roaring back.

Spring break guide for teachers

My favorite back to school Amazon buys

4. Prepare materials in advance 

Think ahead and prepare materials for upcoming lessons or units during spring break.

Gather resources, print worksheets, create visual aids, or assemble hands-on materials. This proactive approach will save you time and stress once school starts again.

It is also time-saving as during break you have more uninterrupted time than you do when school starts back. This means you can sit and smash through planning and creating in less time than you would if you were trying to do the same during term.

Revise your plans accordingly, and consider incorporating new activities, assessments, or teaching methods to keep things fresh and engaging  – not just for your students but also for you!

Think about what activities you like to use and take the opportunity to think about where you could include more.

5. Organize your digital files

The digital age has made our lives easier in many ways, but it’s easy for files to become disorganized.

Use spring break to declutter your computer, organize your files into folders, and create a logical system for storing documents, lesson plans, and resources. This will save you valuable time and reduce stress when you need to find something quickly.

6. Make any purchases you want to start the year

Since shipping times can be unreliable, make any purchases you want to during the break so you can start the year with all the materials you need. Particularly regarding your classroom set up and organisation.

Also, its so much fun to shop for the new school year!

  Spring break guide for teachers

7. Engage in professional development

Spring break can be an excellent time to invest in your professional growth. Attend online webinars, workshops, or conferences related to your subject area or teaching methodology. Stay updated with the latest educational trends and gather new strategies to implement in your classroom.

8. Take care of yourself

It’s crucial to prioritize self-care during spring break. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Read a book, go for a walk, spend time with loved ones, or pursue a hobby.

By recharging your own batteries, you’ll return to school refreshed and better equipped to handle the challenges that lie ahead.

9. Set realistic goals and plan ahead

As spring break comes to an end, set realistic goals and plan out your time effectively for the remaining weeks of the school year.

Break down larger tasks into manageable steps, create a schedule or to-do list, and allocate time for grading, lesson planning, and personal activities.

Having a clear plan in place will make your life more organized and less overwhelming.

10. Create a work timetable for the new school year

It’s important to reflect on what did and didn’t work for you this past year in terms of maintaining a work/life balance. 

Create a plan for how you want to start the year by working out your boundaries, and creating a work / play timetable.

Spring break guide for teachers 


Yes spring break is meant to be a break, however I like to keep in mind that I spend more of my life not on break than on one! By using my time during the break well, I  am able to keep my stress levels down and my work / life balance much more manageable during the term. 

What do you like to do during spring break to make your life easy when you return to work? What would you include in your spring break guide for teachers?

Comment below!

Spring break guide for teachers 

About the Author

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Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

Spring break guide for teachers