Best teacher recharge ideas: 19 ways to refresh in the holidays

by | Dec 28, 2021 | Teacher Tips & Hacks

This post provides 19 teacher recharge ideas to give you inspiration on how you can enjoy your holidays and come back to school feeling refreshed.

2021 was not an easy year and at this stage there is no guarantee that 2022 is going to be any better. But there is no point dwelling on things we cannot change. What we can do is make sure we make the most of our holiday break and return to school feeling as recharged and refreshed as possible.

So how do we do that? 

For each person this will look different. I have compiled a list of 19 teacher recharge ideas to try these holidays. 


teacher recharge - how to go back to school feeling recharged and refreshed

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Teacher Recharge Ideas

1. Hang out with people who give you back energy

The holiday season is a great time to spend with family and friends. But despite the love we have for these people, it isn’t uncommon for this time to be very draining. IYKYK. So what I mean by ‘hang out with people who give you back energy’ is to spend time with those people who make you laugh, with whom it feels easy and unforced. That when you walk away you feel refreshed. Hopefully as you have been reading this you have thought of someone in your life who does this for you – message them now and organise a catch up!

2. Organise a section of your home 

There is something so freeing about having an organised home! Or so I’ve heard. With two little kiddies I cannot say my house ever looks or feels organised. More like chaos. But! That is my problem not yours! Even if you can just manage to organise one drawer in the kitchen or bedroom it will feel good. If you really want a challenge, tackle the linen closet or pantry. I organised my pantry earlier in the year and I felt like a new woman! It may be the only part of the house that feels like it hasn’t been ruined by little hands but I do get a little spark of joy each time I open the cupboard.

These were the most reasonably priced containers I could find (and I researched for a long time). Get them here!


organised pantry photo

3. Pack up your Christmas tree

Devastating? Yes. But also – you want to do this before you go back to school or it will quickly become the thing you know you need to do but just don’t have the energy for. Rip the bandaid off and get it done. Trust me, it will be time to put it backup all too soon!


4. Organise a night out with a group

Getting together with a group of mates has such a different vibe to catching up with just one. The energy of the group is something that rarely can be found with one person. Whether it be wine and sip, or movie, or dinner, it doesn’t matter! 


5. Read a fictional book 

For me, reading a book is escapism and the ultimate teacher recharge. I love escaping into a different world and there is something so different about reading than watching TV (which I do also love). When I watch TV I feel like I also have to keep my hands busy so I often end up working at the same time (I know, I know, I just can’t help myself). But when reading a good book I just can’t help but turn page after page. 

If you want a couple of suggestions then here are my faves of the past month (these have absolutely nothing to do with teaching and are just awesome reads!)

6. Spend time on a hobby

I am a big advocate for having a hobby – even more so when you are a teacher. It is so important to look after your mental health and having a hobby that you enjoy that allows you to focus on something other than your teaching to-do list is invaluable. 


7. Try something new 

Now is the time to try something different! Have a go at something you may have been thinking about for some time but have never got around to. Try a new sport; cook a new recipe; visit a different restaurant; attempt a new skill.


8. Enjoy a coffee – while it is still hot!

Oh the luxury of a hot coffee! One that you can take your time to drink and enjoy without having to multitask while you’re drinking it. 

teacher recharge with a coffee

9. Take a nap

Take the opportunity to have a nap or a rest in the middle of the day. It doesn’t happen often. You may not even feel like you need it but sometimes it’s just nice because you can!

10. Schedule some screen free time

It is easy to get into the habit of scrolling through your phone or opening your laptop work when you are bored. Try and schedule some screen free time to let your eyes rest and your brain wander naturally.

11. Put your feet in the ocean (or any water!)

There is something soul refreshing about diving into the ocean. In Australia right now it is Summer and the water is glorious. There is nothing like being a little sun kissed and having the salt from the water dry on your skin.

teacher recharge at the beach


Is there something you love to cook but never have the time or energy? Now is the time to give it a go. 


13. Binge watch a TV show

Get your favourite snacks, comfiest pants and feel no guilt about losing hours of time.


14. Stay in pjs till after lunch

This could easily go hand in hand with the above.


15. Get outside

As a teacher it can be easy to go day after day without actually getting some fresh air and some vitamin D. Take advantage of the beautiful outdoors. Lie in a hammock, go for a bushwalk, or just enjoy sitting outside for your breakfast! 


16. Turn off the alarm!

I’d say sleep in but our body clocks often wake us up anyway. But how much nicer is it waking up without the beeping of an alarm!?


17. Listen to some podcasts

Listening to podcasts or watching some TED talks can be a really nice way to relax and zone out. You may love to listen to topics related to teaching (check out 9 Best TED Talks for Teachers) or topics related. toyour hobbies or faith.

18. Indulge in some skin care 

Put on a nice facemask or actually spend more than 15 seconds washing your face and applying lotions. I definitely neglect my skin during school time and so it’s nice to take my time during the holidays.


19. Don’t wear makeup

I am not the kind of teacher who wears makeup. But so many of my teaching friends are! They do enjoy taking some days off their usual morning makeup routine during the holidays.



Taking time to teacher recharge and refresh during the holiday season is so important. What it looks like will be different for everyone. 

What do you find helpful when you’re trying to teacher recharge? Please comment below!


If you get to the end of the holiday period and don’t feel refreshed and that you have lost your passion for teaching, check out my post called ‘How to love teaching again’ here.


Share the love!


Feel free to share this post with your teaching besties and help them recharge over the break!


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Please comment below!

Written by Katrina

Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.




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